Global Style Guide 1 MOTORSPORTS
International Racing Meets Hyper Real
MATTEL asked Dave Parmley & Eric Ruffing to again create a library of Kustom artwork for the HOT WHEELS "Motorsport" theme global Style Guide. Working closely with the Design team at HOT WHEELS, the Design direction was determined to be authentic international racing meets the intense hyper real world of the HOT WHEELS vehicles.
Since Art Director Dave Parmley drives Open Track at Laguna Seca, Buttonwillow and Infineon Raceway along with his Autocross experience and both he and Art Director Eric Ruffing have had a life long love affair with fast and loud 2 & 4 wheeled vehicles it was an easy project to understand and derive inspiration from.
A Library Of Coordinated Options
Again as with the "Tuner" collection done for the same Style Guide we imagined what a real HOT WHEELS driver, pit crew and support team would do to brand themselves. HOT WHEELS Global Licensees then used this Design system organized by asset groupings within a Library of coordinated options. The Licensees were able to easily able to create cohesive and hi-impact graphics for any of their needs, be it labels, apparel graphics, publications and all hard and soft goods.
We designed and produced the following for this collection:
• 28 Kustom Logos.
• 17 Composed Designs.
• 9 Hot Wheels Logo Variations.
• 7 Repeat Patterns
• 10 Vector Vehicle Drawings.
• 24 Graphic Elements
• 34 Product Graphics Executions/Examples.

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